الجمعة، 29 مارس 2013

Best of Google AdSense Plugins for WordPress 2013

Best of Google AdSense Plugins for WordPress 2013 


Best of Google AdSense Plugins for WordPress 2013

Google AdSense is one of the easiest ways to monetize your blog, but adding it to WordPress isn’t always the easiest thing to do.  Many people don’t know where to put the code or how to keep track of it.  Luckily there are lots of plugins that can simplify the process as well as provide more flexibility. Here are eight Google AdSense plugins for WordPress 2.5 and above.
As always, don’t install all of these unless you want to decrease your blog’s response time.

Google AdSense Plugin

Google AdSense showcases Google ads

dSero Anti AdBlock for Google AdSense

Awesome Ads – Google Adsense and Others

Lys Creation Google Adsense (Plugin) Widget

Google Adsense Report PRO


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